Thursday, June 20, 2013


I just wanted to take a moment to express my love for my homestay family and site.

Nguekhokh, pronounced n-gay-hoe, is a relatively large town and although there aren't too many distinguishing features I know I will really miss it when I leave. The most important thing about Nguekhokh as a town that you must know is that it has the best fatiyah in all of Senegal. I have tried many other fatiyahs in various cities and nothing even comes close. The fatiyah here has a fresh dough that is the perfect thickness and lightness- a beautiful balance between calzone crust and a croissant. It is stuffed with a fried egg, french fries*, some meat pieces, cheese, ketchup and mayo. It is devine. It also costs an American dollar. In case you ever find yourself in Senegal and wanting fatiyah, the esteemed chef is named Cherif. He speaks Pulaar and he is great, he told me that I could speak Pulaar well and he only asked me to marry him once.

On a more serious note, I really am so sad to leave Nguekhokh this week. I have been so happy and loved here by my family, extended family and neighbors. I can't believe how quickly the time has gone by and I can't wait to go back to visit.

*in Senegal the fries come *in* the food, not next to it. I don't know if other countries do this or how this came to be but I heard from an older volunteer that you can not have your fries on the side. No matter how many times you ask or where, the fries will be inside whatever you have ordered.

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